
Environment Helper Functions

Get Global Environment

<table> getgenv(<void>)

Returns the environment that will be applied to each script ran by Valkyrie.

Get Roblox Environment

<table> getrenv(<void>)

Returns the global Roblox environment for the LocalScript state.

Get Registry

<table> getreg(<void>)

Returns the Lua registry.

Get Garbage Collection

<table> getgc(<void>)

Returns a copy of the Lua GC list.

Get Instances

<table> getinstances(<void>)

Returns a list of all instances within the game.

Get Nil Instances

<table> getnilinstances(<void>)

Returns a list of all instances parented to nil within the game.

Get Scripts

<table> getscripts(<void>)

Returns a list of all scripts within the game.

Get Loaded Modules

<table> getloadedmodules(<void>)

Returns all ModuleScripts loaded in the game.

Get Connections

<table> getconnections(<RBXScriptSignal> obj)

Gets a list of connections to the specified signal. List of things you can do to a connection below.

Examle            Description
.Function        The function connected to the connection
.State              The state of the connection
:Enable           Enables the connection
:Disable          Disables the connection
:Fire                Fires the connection


for i, connection in pairs(getconnections(workspace.ChildAdded)) do

Fire Signal

<void> firesignal(<RBXScriptSignal> obj)

Fires all the connections connected to the signal obj.

Fire Click Detector

<void> fireclickdetector(<object> ClickDetector, <number> Distance)

Fires the designated ClickDetector with provided Distance. 
If Distance isn't provided, it will default to 0.

Fire Touch Interest

<void> firetouchinterest(<object> Part, <object> Transmitter, <number> Toggle)

Fires the designated Transmitter with Part. The Toggle argument is used 
to tell whether the Part is currently being touched.

Docs Discontinued for now.